

So I'm using my bbq this weekend... so I thought I'll clean it up...
I have noticed there are bees coming from under the cover so I thought I'd kill them, obviously... so here is the bbq in question:

Now I know these bombs aren't for bees and that but I thought I'll suffocate/smoke them out...

So here is the weapon of choice and the delivery system

I thought I was pretty smart hee hee designed to be easily maneuvered under the cover of darkness... so I released the weapon of buzz destruction...

OMG! the sound from under the cover was incredible!!! You could them 3 miles away easy... Then I ran like the clappers! Coming back a few minutes later to see the death toll...

at least a 22mm deep mass grave

I continued to remove the cover and to light the bbq to give it a clean when I noticed some fatty looking substance on the top side shelf thing...
Bit weird I clean it before I put it away for the winter and no way was that there so I began to wonder..
NO it couldn't be.. could it?

I slowly removed the cover only to discover the HQ

We got this email from Australia. They are in Spring just now as we enter winter.... Secret Lives of BEES!!!

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